Wow, have a look at THIS sky!
Ok, all you might see are some bullshit clouds - not really the weather I expected from May. I want the sun! I want it warm! I want T-Shirt-Knickerbocker-sneakers-without-socks-wearing-temperatures. But when I have a look out of my window to the busy life ath Görlitzer Bahnhof, it feels and looks like Oktober.
So, for me there is just one question: Where the fuck are spring and summer? I'd like to solve this a very important problem and will search for these two best seasons a year normally has to offer in June and July.
For our cozy WORTNIK-reading means this: we make a summer break in june and july and so on 25th of may we have the
LAST WORTNIK-READING till AUGUST!Don't miss ist and face the amazing line-up this time:
Wortnik- eine Mittwochslesung im Sputnik-Kino
Der Fette Mann (DJ Tulpe & der fette Mann)
Christian Bormann
David Visconte (Schlammrock-Zine)
Zoschke (the voice of Anne Tanke)
musikalische Luftunterstützung: TILL THE MORNINGLIGHT (first gig for years!) plays Townes van Zandt (www.tillthemorninglight.com)25.05.2010
Start: 20:30 UhrEintritt frei, Free Entry, donations are welcome!
Sputnik-Kino - Höfe am Südstern
Hasenheide 54,
10967 Berlin (U7, Ubhf Südstern)