Yeah! Berlin's finest Punkrockers WELTRAUMSCHROTT finished their second Single "Asphaltcowboy" and of course this is really a reason to celebrate.B
eside of this I am involved in this as one (John Steam Records) of the 5 glorious Labels, which cooperation made this wonderful piece of vinyl possible.
So, next saturday, April, 9th, 2011 there will be an earthquake of a RELEASEPARTY @
TRICKSTER, Oberbaumstraße 11, Berlin-Kreuzberg
with the following bands:
The Brunettez (All-Girl-Punk, Berlin) +++
Enrico (Emo-Punk, Berlin) +++
and of course
WELTRAUMSCHROTT who will introduce their new Single "Asphaltcowboy" +++
4 Euro,
Start: 10 o'clock p.m.