That's right, Folks! Wortnik-Lesung (you might call it a lecture) goes into its 3rd round. Totally amazing, it is exactly one month before chrismas eve. This is reeeeally craaazy!
But don't be afraid, we won't bore you with lame x-mas stories about red noses, cookies, happy families, mountains of presents under a dead tree and stuff like that.
Perhaps we present only those x-mas stories, in which the reindeers are slaughtered and resurrect as bloody, pitiless, dispiteous Zombie-Animals and eat the brains of Santa Claus, the holy family and the three kings that got lost on a cradle in a barn somewhere in the desert - who knows?
Ok, we stop this palaver palaver right now, here are the really infos to our cozy little reading.
Wortnik - eine Mittwochslesung im Sputnik-Kino
24.11.2010 ab 20:30 Uhr
u.a. mit Don Chrischan (Weltraumschrott, Pankerknacker) *** Zoschke (the mighty voice of Anne Tanke) *** David Visconte (Schlammrock-Zine) *** Claudius (Trickster) *** Gary Flanell u.a.
musikalische Begleitung: Marco Stahl (Sternenlaub)
Eintritt: 3 €, Studenten/Arbeitslose/Hartz4-Ehrenbürger zahlen eine Spende