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Montag, 27. August 2012


Hey Folks, yes, it's been a long and entertaining summer and it is not at its end so far. You know we have announced the 25th anniversary number of the Renfield-Zine (wiht a limited extra DVD) for a long time, and now it becomes reality. So take out your calendar and make a big note at the 15th of September
That is when we will celebrate the 25th issue of your favourite Fachorgan fuer Krims&Krams&Rock'n'Roll! Of course we have a pile of great bands that will give everything at this very certain evening:
1. CAT'N'GUYEN: No, it is not just a HipHop Duo with a guy on bass and a really smart female singer, it is much more as you will experience. Imagine Melt Banana recording a HipHop-Album in an old Berlin squat. So just call it as the band does: SHINYHIPHOPDEATHFUCK http://www.ynfnd.com/artist/catnguyen/
2. DANGERBOY: Right from Essen in the westgerman post-industrial zone of the Ruhrgebiet hails this amazing 3-man/woman-Ooutift, which brought with their LP "MONOPOL" one of the best NDW/Wave records in a real good 80ies style in 2012 so far. www.dangerboy.de
3. DIVING FOR SUNKEN TREASURES: You might know these guys. If you spend your sunday afternoon at the Fleamarket of the Mauerpark, for sure you will have seen this unbelievable good Gipsy punks, that can turn a whole area into a total crazy dancing within a five minutes with their Standupbass/kid drums/Guitar-outfit. http://www.divingforsunkentreasure.com/
After Live comes more music, in our case with these experienced great DJs:
Niki Matita (SubCult, Zentrale Randlage)
DC Reverend (East India fading Company)
Ben Bazooka (Renfield-Zine, Pankerknacker-Zine)
RENFIELD No. 25 Releaseparty 15.09.2012 9 o'clock p.m. at CORTINA BOB, WIENER STR. 34, 10999 Berlin